Sajal Gupta June 25, 2024

Top 7 Types of Flexible Work Arrangements

In the hustling world where employees struggle to manage and pull up their personal and professional lives, flexible work arrangements emerge as effective solutions to maintain adequate work-life balance. These setups allow professionals from varying backgrounds and conveniences, to work actively and enjoy their personal lives with similar energies.  Gone are the days when stringent […]

Sajal Gupta December 20, 2023

Decoding Procrastination: Understanding and Overcoming Time-Wasting Habits

Did you know? Approximately 88% of the workforce admits to procrastinating at least one hour daily, according to Dariousforoux. A similar study by a research firm, Basex, discovered that unnecessary distractions like lost productivity and diminished innovation cost around $650 billion loss for businesses.  Procrastination is normal and evident to some extent in all population […]

Sajal Gupta November 22, 2023

Top 11 Business Management Tips for Startups and SMBs

Good business management skills are unskippable for startups and small- and medium- businesses.  The reason?  Proper business management skills help businesses stay present in the competition and innovate methods to overcome challenges arising out of market fluctuations. Sudden inflation, swerve shifts in market trends, and even political scenarios can influence business growth. The sad reality […]

Sajal Gupta April 19, 2023

The Psychological Effects of Remote Work on Mental Health

Over the past few years, remote work has been a great alternative to keep employees happy and streamline work processes with ease. However, like everything else, remote work has its significant downsides in addition to its benefits. Stress, workload, and time management are among the main factors contributing to mental health concerns in remote work. […]

Sajal Gupta July 14, 2022

Effective Ways to Help Remote Teams Recover From Work Burnout

Remote work burnout has become very common in the modern workplace. Especially post the Covid-19 pandemic, employees have become stressed physically, mentally, and emotionally, resulting in frequent resignations and a shortage of talent. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), workplace burnout is commonly known as workplace stress which needs to be managed by companies. Let’s look […]

Sajal Gupta May 31, 2022

Modern Ways of Calculating Hours Worked: A Comprehensive Guide

Calculating accurate work hours is the utmost priority for every organization, be it a start-up or a multinational company. Most managers and leaders fail to calculate the hours worked by an employee accurately, majorly because they’re still stuck on manual ways of calculating work hours, which is prone to errors and inaccuracies. Employees are now […]